The 2019 intake of customer service professionals across the West African sub region is currently on. The growth of the service industry world over is hinged on; trained and certified service professionals and the service culture and continuous service perception index in organizations and countries of the region. Above all, the driving force is the Customer Service Professionals.
Each year since 2016, West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] first through the French version and in 2018 adding the English version, have grown through education, training and rating to certify customer service professionals in ECOWAS states.
As a result of these, remarkable indices of growth were recorded thus:
– Increased CS personnel’s.
– Increased engagement rate.
– Increased output in customer service to organizations thereby improving quality of service delivery, increased revenue and improved public perception growth.
In 2018, 173 service professionals were certified by waacsp which saw an engagement rate of 77%. 101 of the professionals were trained by waacsp partner training institutes across the region.
Membership is open to trained service persons across the sub region with a customer service training certificate from a recognized institute.
Upon receipt of membership application, the body will evaluate applicants suitability based on submitted datas and documentation.
Prospective member will also be assessed.
Status of application will then be communicated.
What you get:
Successful applicants gets:
“In 2018, 74% of WAACSP members were engaged across online, offline and virtual customer service jobs in full, part, contract and internship capacities”
Application details
Applying on the French version – Membership fee is $100. Click HERE if applying as a French applicant.
Applying on the English version – As was in 2018, membership registration is FREE and the processing fee of $25 applies. Click HERE if applying as an English applicant.
Do you have further query?
FACT: ‘Over 61 companies across 8 West Africa countries recruit CS professionals from, a projected increase of 35% is the forecast for 2019'