As part of it's mission to make customer service education available and accessible to aspiring and practicing customer service personnel’s in the Ecowas region, the West Africa Association of customer service professionals [WAACSP] is expanding the Waacsp Trainer’s Network (WTN) with 500 certified customer service instructors/coaches within the next decade.
The first of such addition to the network will commence March - April 2022 as waacsp seeks to identify, train and license its second batch of certified CS coaches/instructors in the ECOWAS region.
With an estimate in excess of 4000 aspiring and practicing service personnel’s to train for the 2022-24 waacsp service education outlook, the body is now set to induct its 2nd batch of certified trainers.
English and French speaking instructors will be admitted to the WTN this season. Copiously, there’s also been an increased demand of service personnel’s since the Covid pandemic. Customer service recruitment ranks amongst the top 5 in demand remote and in person jobs in the region, sadly the short supply of trained and certified personnel’s means untrained personnel’s mann service touch points with the end product being yet again below par quality of service delivery.
This program is open to service professionals with training or non training background but dedicated and passionate to impart knowledge, certified trainers from other sectors with interest in CS L&D or experts in the sector on professional level.
Successful participants from the program will benefit on these frontS:
1 - Join the waacsp trainers network which is the driving fulcrum of customer service education in waacsp, (annually, over 2000 persons are trained in basic customer service skills)
2 - train and offer learning and development services to waacsp affiliates, partners, institutions and organizations within the region.
3 - Licensed to offer customer service training across the region on a private and public capacity.
All these within the WAACSP incentivized parameters and guild lines.
The program, a 6 week course will cover learning and development, training and facilitation in line with waacsp culture and global standards.
Duration: 6 weekends
Period: From April 15, 2022
Location: Online
Entry closes: April 10, 2022
Program is FREE, however,
Interested participants will obtain application with a $20 non refundable application fee.
Thereafter, candidates screening and eligibility for admittance including interview session will be conducted for each applicant.
Upon successful completion of course and certification, candidates will then proceed to pay a certification and license fee of $200 to enable participant practice across the Ecowas region.
Licensee will be listed (with license number) profiled and accredited on waacsp website
License fee is valid for each waacsp service year and renewable subsequently.
Interested in joining the waacsp trainers network (WTN)?
Click HERE to begin the process.
The WTN is the college of professional trainers formerly known as league of trainers that metamorphosized into WAACSP.
To know more about waacsp trainers network, it’s origination, history and how it metamorphosed from league of trainers to the waacsp, CLICK HERE to download the 2021 induction brochure.