Career growth in customer service - Transitioning from entry level to senior/managerial level.


Career growth in customer service - Transitioning from entry level to senior/managerial level.

Often times in the customer service industry, professionals have been rooted on a particular level, no career advancement, improved earning and capacity development. A huge number of Professionals in this industry have remained largely stagnant at entry level or at best supervisory role despite being in the system  over 8-10 years as a customer service Professional,  that need not be so. How and what is required for you to grow? Why has service professionals remained on same level, same pay structure, no growth, despite multiple years hands on and working have this remain largely so and how do you change the trend? 

Let’s look at it and options for growth...

Ideally, an entry level service professional should graduate from entry level to officer level, supervisory role, team lead of a branch in the CS organization’s value chain (quality assurance, product/brand management, customer experience, internal control etc) head of unit/department, manager, experience manager and the top level group head customer experience/satisfaction. From the basic entry level to the top echelon of the customer service role, the job is primarily centered on CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. 

As you pursue career growth in customer service, the target is to focus on the service within the values of the organization.

To grow in the industry, you need:

- Minimum of 3 years continuous working experience.
- Training and re training 

- attend industry based capacity development programs 

- attend seminars, workshops to update and get up skilled in new trends and techniques.
- Academic certification in higher studies and understanding the science and psychology   in consumer orientation, behavioral pattern, trends and methodology. 

How many of these boxes  have you ticked?

You need all boxes ticked to position yourself for bigger roles in the industry. 

To be able to manage a customer service team, unit or department, you need to be mindful of these:

- Being a good leader and team player with higher dose of emotional intelligence. 

- supervise your team

- 100% knowledge of your product, procedure and personnel’s.

- develop SOPs, response and resolution timelines

- hire, train and improve staff, develop goals, targets and KPIs. 

- open and adaptable to learn. 

The WAACSP remains Africa’s institution that helps members and non members alike with the necessary tools to aspire and attain this career heights. 

The Advanced Certification Customer Experience & Relationship Management [ACCERM] is the required academic/training program to help you aspire to the top management level in customer service. 

To know more about the ACCERM and other career growth tools at waacsp, email: or fill the enquiry form on the contact us page.

The aim is to grow in the industry.

Aim for the top always...looking to see you there.