The customer service week 2022 is here!
With ‘Celebrate Service’ as this year’s theme, the 2022 Cohort of the WAACSP Trainers Network (WTN) is organizing a 2 day capacity building training workshop for customer service practitioners, professionals from other sectors/industries, business owners, job seekers, students and the general public thus:
Topic: Effective communication for internal and external customers
Date: Friday Oct 7 - Saturday Oct 8, 2022.
Time: Friday 5pm - 7pm; Saturday 9am - 11am
Venue: Online via Zoom platform
Attendance: FREE entry
Note: Certificate will be issued to participants who complete the program.
To celebrate service, the key element is effective communication, this includes communicating effectively internally amongst colleagues and external to clients. This workshop will improve participants capacity to understand how to communicate effectively and obtain the benefit of it thereof. Identifying factors limiting effective communication, how to resolve communicating issues, dealing with various customer types and how good communication fosters a healthy work environment, better client relationship and retainer-ship.
If you need to generally improve your communication skills, then you can’t afford to miss this program as resource persons will improve you with practical working mode to effective communication.
How to participate:
Program is FREE however, registration is required.
Click HERE to register
- Certificate issued at this program could help improve your employability as it shows capacity building and learning.
- It is an online program, only limited number will be admitted for maximum impact learning as such spaces are limited, so register NOW!
How about this?
“A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large”
- Henry Ford