The sequel to the critical acclaimed customer service best seller: ‘A Handbook of Customer Service quotes’ by Ifeoma Tete Mbuk; customer service life coach and Fellow of the West Africa Association of customer service professionals - WAACSP; ‘A collection of inspirational customer service quotes’ is now on sale - Hard cover and eBook version.
The long awaited book is an update and compendium garnered over the years and in tune with happen stances in today’s business and customer service/experience space.The author, has through research and experiences garnered, compiled another masterpiece:
‘A collection of inspirational customer service quotes’ is not only a must read for customer service practitioners but also to the general populace as customer experience encompasses all aspect of human endeavour.
Exceptional: A Collection of Inspirational & Customer Service Quotes is a motivational and inspirational treasure designed to help one take the essential bold step in Customer Care and Relationship Management. It is a practical guide for customer care practitioners, businesses and professionals, and a cherished gift to pass on to others.
Ify Mbuk in this book speaks to leadership, service delivery and customer satisfaction with quotes, write ups and short takes to help advocates achieve and grow. As service cultures in Africa plummet, the handbook Mrs Mbuk opines will help small and big brands improve and deliver exceptional service. With a brand slogan: inspire team, heighten customer experience and increase profit margin, the book is a must have for customer service practitioners, new entrants into the CS space, service professionals, business owners, brand managers, CEOs across all divide as customers are the very essence of every business and service.
“If a customer service oriented person is not on your team management board, the company runs a high risk of failure” .. “who speaks for the customers on the company board?” - this teasers are addressed in the book and many more.
For the WAACSP community and general followers of WAACSP, we have first offer access to this book and at a discounted price.
Hard copy - N9,999
EBook version - N4,999
This pre launch offer is open for the month of May- June 2023 and exclusive to WAACSP.
The book is also on Amazon for $18.
To order and get the WAACSP discount offer, use the whatsapp Live chat button on the side bar of this post.
About the author:
Ifeoma Tete-Mbuk is the CEO of YFY Consulting Services, a company that provides best-value solutions for service improvement, efficiency and growth, for companies and entrepreneurs. She is a Consultant, Corporate Trainer and Customerpreneur.
Her professional career and customer service journey began at the United Bank for Africa (UBA) where she managed several portfolios in Retail Banking, Process Engineering and Institutional banking. She was once the Customer Service Manager at Apapa Warehouse Road and Ebute Metta branches of the bank respectively with other stints at British Deputy High Commission, Chevron and corporate consulting.
Ifeoma is a Fellow of the West Africa customer service regional body WAACSP and also licensed by the US company, JoAnna Brandi & Company, to teach and sell the “Customer Care Coach” in West Africa. This course is a comprehensive self-paced course in customer service suitable for anyone who wishes to be grounded in the arts and science of EXQUISITE Customer Care. Ifeoma shuttles between Africa and North America teaching and imparting her wealth of customer service knowledge to brands, agencies and individuals