Steadily over the past decade, Customer Experience and Trust (CE & T) have grown to the top spot and is now, the new currency in business growth, increased revenue share and brand loyalty.
How organizations treat its customers is now the biggest factor to if they (customers) make a return or never return. Simply put: your customer experience is the key to your business staying power, returning clients and brand outlook.
The 2023 customer satisfaction index stats from Business Intelligence and 123formbuilder gives greater credence to the premises above.
Read below:
The above alludes to one fact: customer experience is KEY.
Juxstaposing these stats to the declining quality in service delivery across West Africa, home to over 20 million SMSEs and according to the World Bank; small businesses consists nearly 74% of business in the ECOWAS region, makes for a worrying outlook. To buck this trend, the West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] is announcing the coming on stream: ‘The WAACSP for Business Unit’ - The unit will set out to help businesses (small, medium, large, private and public) across various sectors chart their customer service culture with a view to improving customer experience and building trust: two globally acclaimed metrics/currencies for business sustainability.
The unit has trained, experienced and certified professionals with background in diverse sectors scattered across the West African landscape to help outfits from sole proprietors to multi nationals in any geographical location in the region build, formulate, train, identify, recruit and offer all forms of customer service support to help build and sustain brands.
The WAACSP for Business will offer assistance from developmental:
- Develop company’s customer service policy, culture and values.
Through to support in:
- Training.
- Settings/Set ups.
- Recruiting.
The W4B technical support in customer service is open to all forms and kinds of business outfits in West Africa as we look to improve service delivery for businesses across the region. This is a unique product that is capacity and result driven and will grossly improve organizations that take up this offer from the WAACSP.
To engage the services of WAACSP for Business, kindly send a mail to: