Many people assume that all it takes to get the best out of LinkedIn is to have a polished profile; one that highlights their skills and abilities, contains their education history, work experiences, certifications and basically everything they have done since they got out of school. Once they have a 5-star rating on their LinkedIn profiles, they believe that they are all good.
How then can you make the best out of LinkedIn?
Let’s look at your connections. If you are a jobseeker or a Human Resources enthusiast, search out for professionals in your field. Send out connection requests to them. Read their posts. Engage those posts. Do not just stop at three-letter sentences like “this is true”, “I love this”, “I am interested”, “fact”. The authors of these posts want to you to engage them with meaningful comments. They want to know what you think!
This post is basically talking about the Importance of being active on LinkedIn and engaging other professionals. When you have the right connections, you notice that the kind of content you see in your feeds very beneficial to your career needs.
For example, Brigette Hyacinth who is a Human Resources professional gets to put out contents that are related to job seeking, hiring, CV writing; the kind of things you should have on your CV, the way your LinkedIn profile should look, etc. So, we find out that content like that are beneficial to job seekers and Human resources professionals. Now move to the comment section. Notice that most of the comments are engaging, informative and educative? There, professionals can connect with each other and further their conversations even off LinkedIn.
How about sharing posts? Sharing posts are a good way to increase visibility. By sharing a post, you are contributing to the growth and visibility of the author and yourself too!
Now to the big monster in the cupboard: creating your own posts. You may worry about the kind of contents to post. Let’s look at some ideas.
You can post about your experiences in the work place, if you’re not employed yet, you can talk about your job-search experience; you can seek the opinions of professional on some topics or events that require clarification. There are so many topics that you can engage your connections with.
No matter what, never stop engaging your connections with posts, likes, comments and shares. Your next employer may just be a post away!