The Nigeria Customer Service Index: 2024 survey now underway


The Nigeria Customer Service Index: 2024 survey now underway

We are delighted to announce the NCSI 2nd edition titled: The NCSI 2024 survey. This is the sequel to the inaugural survey in 2023. Read the report of the NCSI 2023 Report

The 2024 survey, as with the 2023 edition, starts in July and will be up for 6 months of the year, beginning 1st July 2024 and closing on the 31st of December 2024.

The primary objective of the index, similar to its sister index in Ghana, The GCSI, is to improve the quality of customer service in Nigeria, educate citizens on service standards via the survey parameters, and hold service providers to expected standards, seeing customer feedback to their sector. In all, it ultimately benefits the nation. This is achieved via this process:

•⁠  ⁠Receiving citizens’ feedback on services they receive/encounter across listed sectors.
•⁠  ⁠Aggregating, interrogating, and preparing these feedbacks.
•⁠  ⁠Presenting a report on the findings with a view to giving a state of customer service in the sectors listed in the survey.

New additions

Following the hugely successful inaugural index, which was widely embraced by Nigerians, and calls for more sectors to be included in the survey, the team has added three (3) new sectors, with one including sub-sectors. While the 2023 index had 9 sectors subdivided into 17 sub-sectors, the 2024 edition, with the addition of 3 new sectors, will now be 12 sectors and 21 sub-sectors.

The new sectors are:
•⁠  ⁠Real Estate.
•⁠  ⁠Sports/Entertainment.
•⁠  ⁠Education.

Education covers only the tertiary institutions and as such is divided into:
•⁠  ⁠Private varsities.
•⁠  ⁠Public varsities.

The survey portal:

If you are new to the Nigeria Customer Service Index survey.. welcome!

For a starter, it might take 5-8 minutes to rate a company in a sector and submit. Ordinarily, it’s between 2-3 minutes and that will be it when you get to take the survey often.

Start now..

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