Arising from the 2021 induction and commencement of the WAACSP service year (Read and view details here) the association announces the professional certification programmes for 2021.
This year’s training theme is: ‘Service education and experience, West Africa needs you’.
The overall focus is to get more citizens across all professional calling to acquire service training/education. The more people are educated on service dynamics, the more informed and improved the quality of service everyone experiences.
As ACFTA, Covid19 etc, changes the way businesses are transacted, there’s more task to improve on customer experience, more demand for service professionals, hence the need to consciously bridge the gap.
The association’s objective is ensuring more people have access to customer service education atleast on the basic level.
What's New?
- This year, all training will largely remain online.
- In a bid to open up the basic certification program, the association have made the BCCS leading to being a ‘Certified customer service professional’ an open, all year round training not limited to only the diets' time schedule.
WAACSP’s partner training institutions will admit interested students and undertake the basic certification program at anytime. This overall is to grow the network of service professionals and not limit it to a specified period.
- The Advanced certification in Customer Service (ACCS) program will kick off this 2021. The Advanced program will offer participants to move a cadre and grow in the profession, climb the career ladder into being a CS supervisor, manager, head of CS unit, CS trainer etc.
- Comprehensive details of the advanced training program will be released later.
The basic certificate program leading to being a certified customer service professional: 1st diet 2021 will hold in May.
Date: 2 batches- May 20-22 and May 27-29.
- Training will have a cross country module/session where participants from different countries will mix up to share service cultures in their country, share ideas, work on projects together and network - which is a core basis of WAACSP set up.
- Pre program test, the 3R post program arbitration remains a core part of the training.
(Read WAACSP certification details HERE)
The certified customer service program of WAACSP is a joint training with the association’s affiliate training organizations in each member country.
Click on your country to read the details for the program and registration process.
Customer service training, certification is open to people of all career field without bias.
Membership of WAACSP is open to successful participants from its training programmes, however, this is optional.