WAACSP celebrates world teachers day
Our WAACSP customer service educator/teacher of the year.
Recently licensed by the association as a ‘Certified CS/CE Coach’ @segunmanuel remains one of Nigeria’s leading service education instructors.
Popularly known on social media as ‘Odogwu customer service’, for his witty and engaging delivery style, Mr Manuel have transversed the length and breath of Nigeria teaching individuals and brands on customer service, process and procedures . Over 10,000 hours (online and on-site) spanning 6+ years under his belt, he has shown commitment to ensuring quality education and passionate commitment in teaching and learning.
His biggest mantra; “in teaching, I learn and whilst learning I teach” makes for an insight full perspective to teaching as an aid to learning and knowledge.
Mr Segun Manuel for his service in this sphere is our customer service ‘Teacher of the Year 2022’
Congrats Big Seg.