It’s World Health Day today 7th April and the 75th Anniversary of the World Health Organization WHO.
With this years theme: ‘World health for all’ it is a call for all to contribute to good and affordable healthcare across board. As customer service professionals, we can also lend a hand in making these achieveable by way of lending support, good and quality service delivery especially at health care facilities.
Good and emphatic service disposition by health care practitioners, service professionals in the healthcare sector is vital and could be the difference between life and death, feeling of love, care and feeling of despair and abandonment. Ironically, data garnered over the years shows that customer service in the health care sector ranks low only better than public sector (according to Ghana customer service index GCSI), we hope players in this sector work hard towards changing this statistics and it starts with education, training, Re orientation and policy direction from top industry players and practitioners.
Good healthcare starts with a welcoming attitude, listening with attention and care.. above all, showing empathy to patients.
Let’s show care as care givers, service providers and humans while we are in a position to offer such today, we may well be patients tomorrow.
Service is key!